What is Areola tattooing?
Areola tattooing is a technique designed to recreate the illusion of an areola including the nipple. Created with a unique combination of light and shadow contrasts that make an incredible 3D effect. This is often one of the last steps towards rebuilding the breast after mastectomy, allowing a patient to feel complete again. Many times this is a part of medical and psychological healing process and not purely a cosmetic procedure. Click through slides below for Dave's work.
First appointment addresses scars to improve ink retention, using a technique called 'dry needling' similar to microneedling if needed, many times can be done right after consult. An appointment a few weeks later follows for tattooing 3D Areolas, then a touch up appointment if needed a few weeks later. Aftercare is included. We also offer a letter write up + receipt for you to submit to insurance for possible insurance reimbursement for those who are having this done as part of their breast cancer reconstruction journey.
See Janet's Law info here on how you can be reimbursed by your insurance!
This procedure is great for:
clients who have lost their breast(s) due to breast cancer.
When someone is seeking personal physical perfection.
When client wants to change the shape etc.
Areola Tattoo Aftercare
For first 7 days following procedure:
1. Clean 3-5 times a day with Phi-Wipes.
2. After showering, apply Soothing Cream (or Skin Candy) to the treated area and then cover
it with clingfilm to prevent it from drying out.
3. It is extremely important not to pick, scrub or exfoliate the affected skin. Doing so can put out
some of the pigment, cause scarring, and an uneven result.
When combined with Micro-needling treatment:
-Continue with daily application of skin repair gel for another 2 weeks
For two weeks AVOID:
- Soaps and cleansers around the area.
-Skin creams and moisturizers.
-Picking or touching.
-Using sun beds or exposing the area to direct sunlight.
-Jacuzzi, saunas or chlorine.
-Hot and long showers.
-All Aloe-Vera products as this also can pull out the colour.
Remember it takes a minimum of two treatments: for all procedures to be completed. The color can change during the first four weeks so don’t be alarmed if it changes shade slightly.
If there is extreme redness or any pus, seek medical attention.
Your artist can be contacted at 484-894-8194 with any questions or concerns!